What I do.

Life Coaching

Life coaching is like having a friendly guide on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. It’s for folks who want to feel happier, more fulfilled, and really get to know themselves better. Whether you’re trying to figure out what you want, find more balance, or deal with tough times, coaching can help you through it all.

That’s where I come in as your life coach.  Imagine having a trusted companion to share your journey, helping you navigate the ups and downs with clarity and confidence. Whether it’s work stress weighing you down, relationship dilemmas causing confusion, or just feeling lost in the hustle of daily life, I’m here to offer my genuine support.

Together, we’ll dive into your unique story, uncovering insights and tools to nurture your happiness, peace, and fulfillment. So, if you’re ready to embark on a personal exploration toward a more harmonious and joyful life, I’d be happy to be your partner in this transformative journey. Feel free to book a free 1-on-1 session with me!

Corporate Coaching


Corporate coaching is about helping you navigate the complexities of work life while staying true to yourself.

In the coaching, we delve into your individual challenges and aspirations. We’ll talk about your professional goals, sure, but also your values, struggles, and overall well-being. Because let’s face it, work isn’t everything.

Corporate coaching often means the coaching is sponsored by your employer. Note however, coaching is always 100% confidential! As your coach, I only speak with you and only serve *your* coaching agenda. One example of corporate coaching is the CoachHub platform (where you can find me as well by the way).

So, if you’re feeling stuck in your career or struggling to find your groove, I’m here to help. Let’s work together to navigate the corporate landscape in a way that feels authentic and fulfilling.

Mental Fitness Coaching


The Mental Fitness coaching programme is all about flexing those mental muscles!

Using the Positive Intelligence theory as our foundation, we’ll be diving deep into strengthening your mental resilience and well-being. Just like hitting the gym to tone your physical muscles, this program is about honing your mental strength through targeted exercises and techniques.

Think of me as your personal trainer for your mind. Together, we’ll tackle the saboteurs – those sneaky internal voices that hold you back – and build up your sage powers, the constructive mental muscles that empower you to thrive.

So, if you’re ready to level up your mental fitness, let’s get to work! Make your mind resilient and empowered, that can tackle any challenge life throws your way. Make your mental fitness a priority!

Drop me a message!
